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Exposure visit to Fab Lab at ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad

  • 2023-01-30

Central Research Facility & Santosh Startups Forum organized a Fab lab visit to ABES Engineering college, Ghaziabad for the Students of Santosh Deemed to be University on 30th January 2023 at 10:30 AM, with the support of iNurture incubation centre of ABES Engineering college. Students understood about the Incubation Center and how it helps startups and small businesses. Students who Visited the Fab Lab also learnt basics of entrepreneurship and innovation from the CEO of the incubation centre Mr Mahendra Gupta and saw the facilities and ecosystems created to nurture innovation.

A total of 21 students & 2 Faculty coordinators from SDTBU attended the program.

Organized By - SSF & iNurture Incubation Center

Coordinator Name -Ms. Indu Rani & Dr Sanjeev Tomar

Date - 30th January 2023

Time - 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Targeted Audience - Students of SDTBU

Total Students - 21

Total Faculty - 02

Outcome of the Event - It was a great opportunity for students to learn about engineering and technology, to see how a fab lab works and to learn about the different types of engineering designs. Students also had the chance to meet with various startups and learn about their innovative products.

The fab lab at ABES is a cutting-edge facility that offers students access to equipment and resources that they wouldn't otherwise be able to access. It is filled with all sorts of equipment - from 3D printers to robotic & drone developing machines. Startups are working on projects that range from design and manufacturing to software development. The lab has the ability to print 3D objects, work with design machines, and create innovative products. In addition, the lab is focused on and dedicated to developing and testing new products and technologies.

The team at the fab lab is made up of both student startups and experts, and with their wide range of skills and knowledge they're constantly working on new projects, to create new products and technologies.One of the most interesting projects that the students saw was a drone designed to help the Indian Army and it features a number of sensors that track the user's movements.

Overall, the field visit was a valuable experience that gave students a better understanding of engineering and technology who were impressed by the creativity of the entrepreneurs and the quality of their products. and it was fascinating to be able to see first-hand how they do it.